How It’s Done

Trust The Process.

We’re here to walk you through every step.


Let's Meet!

During an initial consultation, we listen closely to you, our prospective client, to collect the information we need to prepare a custom project proposal. During this conversation, we talk about your needs, budget and vision for your space. We ensure that you feel confident in your understanding of our design process and timeline. We want you to feel comfortable approaching our designers with your ideas, so these conversations are always complimentary.

If you are ready to generate ideas and consider possible design solutions with a professional perspective, we will visit you in the field for a foundational, low-commitment consultation that will render a discussion of potential solutions, a registered architect’s opinion on the feasibility of your project, a preliminary estimate of probable costs to help you establish a realistic budget, and enhanced knowledge of what your project might look like. When the project moves forward with Fancy Parsley, we apply this fee to your first invoice.


Design + Create

It’s time to get creative and turn your ideas into something tangible. During this phase of production, we’ll produce concept drawings for site plans, floor plans and elevations, plus illustrative sketches and renderings. This is when you’ll get to know the full scale and scope of your project, and we get to communicate the overall look and feel of the design we’ve crafted for you. Through visits in the field, we’ll take measurements, photo-document existing conditions, brainstorm parameters for design and construction schedules, analyze zoning, site and coding rules, and present it all to you in an easy-to-understand plan for feedback.


Develop + Draw

Now it’s time to collect results from our brainstorming sessions and take them one step further. This is when we’ll finalize design and get into the fun details, like materials, door and window locations, and overall structural particulars. We’ll select products and refine all the details together.


Construct + Commit

This is the time when things really come together to give you the big picture. In this phase of the project you’ll get to see a complete set of architectural drawings become much more technical in nature. These will develop into construction documents that fully communicate the design intent. With support from our engineering consultants, a complete package will be issued to support pricing, permitting, and ultimately construction.

Ready to start your project?

Get Started